Getting Started
This manual is divided into 3 sections:
1. Quick Start Guide
This will get you quickly started on how to use the system and will show you how to see where your vehicles are and where they have been. It will also show you how to generate some reports and do a visual historical playback. Click Here to get started
2. Complete Manual
This is a comprehensive manual that explains the entire platform in great detail. It provides picture instructions with information and shows the functionality of all features. To get started with the manual simply Click Here and hover over the Complete Manual section then select any drop down menu option of your choice to begin learning.
3. Real World Applications
These are step by step instructions on how to setup and implement features of the platform that will allow you to:
Reduce Payroll
Reduce Overtime
Reduce Fuel Expenses
Eliminate Billing Disputes
Increase Billable Hours
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Increase Productivity
Increase Safety
Be able to more efficiently & effectively manage your mobile resources resulting in an improved bottom line
To begin learning simply Click Here and hover over Real World Applications and choose your option from the drop down menu.